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Sunday 24 September 2017

Buying Gold Smartly In Ghana

In this SMART age, there are SMART ways gold prospectors can buy gold in West Africa without getting their fingers burnt.

There are proven gold deposits all over West Africa but fewer countries have proper regulations for mining, refining and exporting gold than Ghana. Yet gold fraud is commonplace howbeit,  avoidable.

It amazes me why some buyers still fall for tricks by scammers in West Africa. These may sound cliche but there's sufficient gold to meet the needs of true buyers but sadly not enough to meet their greed.

I hope this article will make  buying gold in Ghana in particular, safer and smarter as the importance of guidance cannot be overemphasized

Buyers are often scammed because they ignore guidance and  erroneously assume that West Africans have no idea of international  benchmark prices for gold. Many buyers want cheap prices for gold and that is where the scammers start to operate.

To be honest, there are so many prospectors in West Africa who want to buy gold but cannot find it because gold is not as cheap as they would like . There is stiff competition among buyers so only the determined and smart buyers get gold. So if someone tells you he has  a preposterous quantity of gold(100kg>) stocked somewhere and demanding upfront money for taxes, as is prevalent in Cameroon, Kenya and other East African countries,  just ignore the offer.

There is a lot of gold in Africa and genuine  buyers are always at the mining sites ready to buy whatever is mined daily. Gold is hot and no real seller of gold would want to travel with his gold to another country before he gets paid when a transaction could be done easily here in Africa.

Here is a rule of thumb- Gold never pursues money...Money pursues gold.

Some pose as village chiefs or allege some forms of rotalty. These are largely theatrics 😃. Some will show you real 1 kg gold and make you believe they have a lot more in stock. Theatrics - all for show!

Cost Insurance and Freight is the common request by prospectors looking for gold. That only works with established refineries or investors who have established mines or partnerships with local miners. Artisan miners will not sell gold on 100% CIF basis when  there are many buyers to buy them real time. For instance, there are Chinese and Indians already on ground all over West and East Africa buying and mining directly or in partnership with local miners.

As a professional consultant, I recommend these 4 SMART ways of getting real gold from Nigeria or Ghana in particular

1. Buying your own land or concession and mine your own gold,

2. Investing in already established small scale mining companies ( that is to assist in getting them certain equipment or machinery) in this case they sell their gold to you at a reasonable price or they share with you all proceeds from their concession as they mine.

3. Prefunding an already well established and well established and well known refinery to purchase gold for you and export it to your refinery on weekly or monthly basis. There are highly trusted refineries that could be recommended. The only reason why any refinery will sell gold at a discount is because they receive the money ahead of delivery.

4. Setting up your own buying office and purchasing gold on daily basis from local miners, who produce in pounds and grams.

These are the SMART ways to acquire real gold and avoid gold scammers completely especially in Ghana

Apart from these facts, gold is not sold so cheap as the scammers will tell you.

Cheap Gold Doesnt Exist West Africa. Any offer beyond 10% less LBMA is scary!!

You may be wondering where you can find authentic gold miners in Ghana. I have a couple in Prestea I can link you up to....For an agreed commission of course!

Looking forward to your feedback

WhatsApp : +2348186943671
Skype: elisoil

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